Sunday, October 26, 2014

Tooth #12 MOD Restoration

Tooth #12 MOD Restoration - Occlusal View
Major grooves, pits, marginal ridges simulate normal anatomical functional form of the tooth
Marginal ridge anatomy deviates slightly from normal
Slight undercontoured mesial marginal ridge (This was probably due to using an automatrix band instead of a garrison ring.)
Slight Flash or excess present. 

Tooth #12 MOD Restoration - Lingual View

Note the lack of proper anatomical form at the marginal ridges, especially at mesial marginal ridge. 

Proximal contact is established, but slightly varies from normal contact size/location.

Further Considerations:
Occlusal Anatomy and Function:
- Restores harmonious form of existing tooth
- Slightly undercontoured at certain aspects
- Anatomy slightly deviates from normal

- Slight deficiency detectable

Proximal Contact and Countour:
- Slight variation from normal contact size/location
- Slight variation from normal contours but gingival health not compromised

Operative Environment: 
- No evidence of damage to gingival or adjacent tooth
- Typodont is clean 

Tooth #14 MO Preparation

Tooth #14 MO Preparation - Occlusal View
Note the rough cavosurface edges on the buccal aspect of the preparation. 
Clearance of the adjacent tooth was achieved, although not adequately displayed in the picture. 

Further Considerations:
External Form
- Occlusal outline centered over central grove
- Slightly atypical outline form

Outline and Convenience Form
- Margins are visually free of contact with tooth at buccal and lingual
- Gingival floor depth - clearance of 0.5 mm on gingival margin to adjacent tooh

Resistance Form
- Slightly acute or obtuse cavosurface margins

- Cavosurface margins and walls of preparation are slightly rough or unfinished

Operative Environment
- No rubber dam remaining, operative field appears clean.

Tooth #13 DO Restoration

Tooth #13 DO Restoration - Occlusal View
Restores harmonious form of existing tooth.
Major grooves, pics, marginal ridges, and cuspal planes of the restoration simulate the normal anatomical and functional form of the tooth.

Tooth #13 DO Restoration - Facial View
Note remaining floss due to heavy contact. 

Tooth #13 DO Restoration - Lingual View
Note remaining floss due to heavy contact 

Further Considerations:
Occlusal Anatomy and Function:
- Restores harmonious form of existing tooth
- Marginal ridge even with adjacent tooth
- Slightly overcarved at certain aspects
- Anatomy slightly deviates from normal

- Slight flash or excess

Proximal Contact and Countour:
- Slight variation from normal contact size/location
- Contact was heavy, frayed floss remained

Tooth #12 MOD Preparation

Tooth #12 MOD - Occlusal View
The outline of the MOD preparation is slightly overextended in a lingual direction. 
Preparation is centered over central groove. 
Clearance was achieved on the mesial and distal. 

Tooth #12 MOD Preparation - Facial View
Note the rough edges of the buccal walls of the distal proximal box. 

Tooth #12 MOD Preparation - Lingual View
Note the rough edges on the buccal wall of the mesial proximal box

Further Considerations:
External Form
- Occlusal outline centered over central grove
- Slightly atypical outline form

Outline and Convenience Form
- Margins are visually free of contact with tooth at buccal and lingual
- Gingival floor depth - clearance deviates from between 0.5 mm to 1.0 mm

Resistance Form
- Slightly acute or obtuse cavosurface margins

- Cavosurface margins and walls of preparation are uniformly smooth and defined

Operative Environment
- No rubber dam remaining, operative field appears clean.